Sunday, January 17, 2010

Avatar is supressed so that Confucius will success

My favorite movie of the year just won the best picture from the Golden Globe (although I also think that will deserve that too). Yet, reported from Apple Daily, a newspaper from Hong Kong, the Chinese government limited the showing of this world-wide success movie to only the 3D-version (since there are limited number of cinema equipped with the facilities for showing 3D movie). The movie is a big box-office success, and had a record-making ticket-sales for 5 billion RMB in 2 weeks. The Propaganda Department requests that media should focus their report on the movie <> instead, since it's identified as the 'main melody' by the higher ranking central government officials. The article argues that there are two possible reasonse for the Chinese government to do so: 1) since it's so popular, it is over-taking the movie market from the locally-produced movie; 2) the storyline may remind audiences about forced demolition and relocation, and it encourages violent resisteance.

'main melody', according to, means something more than just theme or motives but also refers to 'film, television shows and other products of art that is accord with the benefit of the ruling class. Promotion of these products is usually lead by the ruling class'. The movie became part of the 'main melody' identified by the Propaganda Department in March 2009, when Hu Jintao said that 'it's about time to release a movie about Confucius'. It is described as 'a great film with singificant political, cultural, and historical meaning', and the icon to promote Chinese Confucian culture around the world.

Is becoming the tool for communist China's propaganda? This question remind me the article by Peter Foster at the Telegraph (see here) when he discusses the concept of 'propaganda' in China context. It seems to me that, according to Foster, the key difference between propaganda versus a government promotion of certain policy/ideas is depending on whether one have the right to refuse/challenge. While people in China may have the right to choose to see or not to see the movie (or simply, cannot afford to see the movie), it seems that the modern way of propagate certain idea is to limited choices.

Source: Apple Daily
Accesses date: 16 January 2010

恐劇情惹強拆遷聯想 強勁票房危及國產片


全球熱播的荷李活巨片《阿凡達》( Avatar)在內地遭截擊。中國電影發行放映公司(中影公司)指示各地停映《阿凡達》普通版,僅放映立體版;而中共中央宣傳部(中宣部)則下令媒體不准再炒作《阿凡達》熱。據悉,當局截擊《阿凡達》有兩大原因,一是該片吸金過度,搶了國產片市場;二是影片引起觀眾對強迫拆遷聯想,並有煽動暴力抗爭之嫌。

內地接近中影公司人士昨對本報證實,中影公司近日向各地發出指示,要求在本周初撤下《阿凡達》 2D和膠片版(即普通版),僅保留 3D版繼續上映。

《孔子》將於本月 22日在內地各地同步上映。

《孔子》將於本月 22日在內地各地同步上映。




抽起 2D僅保留 3D版

因內地 3D影院不多,該指令實際是限制《阿凡達》在更大範圍繼續傳播。該人士稱,有關決定來自國家廣電總局,「可能是帶有政治性的決定。」據悉,即使是 3D版可能也只能放映三至四周。《阿凡達》是在本月四日開始在內地上映。
消息透露,中宣部近日也發出指示,要求各地宣傳主管部門管好媒體,不要再炒作《阿凡達》掀起的熱潮,並正確引導相關輿論。中宣部同時要求,媒體娛樂新聞報道重點,應轉到即將在全國上映的國產巨片《孔子》。由香港明星周潤發主演的《孔子》將於本月 22日(周五)在內地各地同步上映。











中共力撐 圖以儒治國


內地媒體披露,去年 3月全國人大會議期間,胡錦濤在江蘇團遇到全國人大代表、電影女導演胡玫。胡錦濤問:「你在做甚麼?」胡玫答:「我在拍《孔子》。」胡錦濤聞訊大悅:「哎呀,那可是一個重大的……」停頓數秒後胡錦濤說:「現在推出《孔子》,正是時候!」
正是因胡錦濤這句話,正在籌拍的《孔子》就被中宣部納入「主旋律」作品之列,譽之為中國首部「具重大政治、文化、歷史意義的巨片」,決定作為中國儒家文化思想代表在全球推廣。據悉該片製作拷貝多達 2,500個,超過建政 60周年獻禮片《建國大業》( 1,450個),更創下內地電影拷貝紀錄。

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