I'm actually very excited to see this article -- I have this crazy and unorganized thoughts about how this kind of interpretation of Confucius and Confucianism and its 'sacredness' (very different from what I saw in the 1940s version) demonstrate the shift of 'power' of culture interpretation. It's like, 'hey dude, Confucius is cool, but he is not necessary who YOU think who he is!' The reasons why Confucius is a sage to us maybe be different from yours, but that does not we do not respect him.
Highlight from the discourse about the 'sagehood' of Confucius in the film by Chen Han:
- 'We try to emphasize the humanity of Confucius in the film and avoid too much emphasis on his sageness. Confucius' greatness is based on his human character and contribution to the culture. He is not perfect as a divine being. As our director and Chow Yunfat had came to this shared understanding: no halo' (电影中的孔子尽力去圣而还原为人,他之所以伟大,在其人格和文化上的成就,他不是完美得像神一样毫无瑕疵的。正如导演和周润发公开表示过的共识:不要光环)
- 'Jesus and Skahyamuni had all been tempted in the wilderness. They overcame the temptation, which at the same time reinforced/ justified their divine nature. Therefore,by illustrating how Nanzi seduces Confucius in the film, we are actually emphasizing the classical chapter that highlights Confucius's sagehood'.(耶稣、释迦牟尼都在荒野上受到了诱惑,他们超越了,所以更显其神性、佛性。其实,写南子诱惑孔子,才是写伟人的经典一章,才更显其为圣者也)
What are the things that the posterity of Confucius upset about in the film (or, to be specific, in the trailer!)?
- Since Confucius is historically recognized as the sage for Chinese people....your company should stick with the fact as stated in history and protect the image of Confucius as sage, and should not destory the image of Confcuis as 'the teachers for thousands of generations' for commercial purpose' (一、孔子作为中华民族的圣人地位,是历史公认的。他的事迹和形象,是千百年来历史记载和流传下来的,不容篡改和歪曲。贵方拍摄《孔子》电影,应当尊重历史,尊重史实,维护孔子圣人的形象,不应只顾及商业利益而做出有损于孔子“万世师表”形象的行为。)
- Based on the 45-second trail, we suggest the following changes in the film: a) to cut all the dialogue that does not reflect the 'factual' historical background of Confucius. Original quotes and dialogue of Confucius from historical documents and the Analects should be used. (.删除“给个话儿”等明显不符合历史背景和孔子本人形象的话语。尽量采用史书和《论语》中所记载的孔子原话); b) to delete all the conversation between Nanzi and Confucius that are disgraceful, lack of historical support, and destructive to the image of Confucius as the sage (删减孔子与南子的暧昧对白等明显缺乏史实依据并严重有损于孔子圣人形象的内容); c) to delete excessive war and fighting sences that Confucius involved in the filim, instead, emphasize more on Confucius' demeanor as sage and his teaching about kindness and love. (削减片中“孔子”过多的武戏和战争戏,重点突出孔子的仁爱精神与圣人风范
- Your company should respond to our request immediately and positively, and halt all other activities that will destroy Confucius' image. Otherwise, we will manipulate all possible legal means to protect the image of Confucius as the sage. (贵方应当对我们提出的改动要求立即做出积极处理,并立即停止其它一切有损于孔子形象的举动。否则,我们将在必要的时候不排除诉诸法律手段,以维护孔子“至圣先师”、“万世师表”的圣人形象)
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